CMU博士收集: Advice for prospective and current PhD students


CMU博士收集: Advice for prospective and current PhD students


CMU博士收集: Advice for prospective and current PhD students
CMU博士收集: Advice for prospective and current PhD students
作 者丨程旭源
CMU博士收集: Advice for prospective and current PhD students





CMU博士收集: Advice for prospective and current PhD students




CMU博士收集: Advice for prospective and current PhD students

仓库的作者Paul Liang是CMU机器学习系的博士生,在NeurIPS, ICLR, AAAI, ACL, CVPR 等多个领域的顶会发表过文章。






Grad School Advice by Jason Hong

研究生院建议作者: Jason Hong

Advice for Research Students by Jason Eisner

给研究生的建议作者: Jason Eisner

Advice for researchers and students by Michael Ernst


Advice Collection by Tao Xie and Yuan Xie


Awesome CS PhD application advice by Jed Yang

超棒的 CS 博士申请建议作者: Jed Yang

CS PhD the greatest hits by Angela Jiang


List of PhD reflections by Stephen Tu


Thread of PhD application resources by Chaitanya Joshi

Chaitanya Joshi 博士申请资源线索

Useful computer vision PhD resources by Yana Hasson

有用的计算机视觉博士资源作者: Yana Hasson

Checklists for Stat-ML PhD students by Aaditya Ramdas

Aaditya Ramdas 的 Stat-ML 博士生清单

Grad School Resources by Kalpesh Krishna

研究生院资源作者: Kalpesh Krishna

Advice for prospective students给未来学生的建议

General advice一般性建议

Applying to PhD Programs in Computer Science by Mor Harchol-Balter

Mor Harchol-Balter 在计算机科学博士课程中的应用

Graduate School Advice by Stanford CS


Undergrad to PhD, or not - advice for undergrads interested in research by John Hewitt


HOWTO: Get into grad school for science, engineering, math and computer science by Matt Might

入学方法: 进入研究生院学习科学、工程、数学和计算机科学

Applying for a PhD in NLP by Zhijing Jin and ACL Year-Round Mentorship Session

金和 ACL 全年导师会申请自然语言处理博士学位

Student Perspectives on Applying to NLP PhD Programs by Akari Asai, John Hewitt, Sidd Karamcheti, Kalpesh Krishna, Nelson Liu, Roma Patel, and Nicholas Tomlin

Akari Asai,John Hewitt,Sidd Karamcheti,Kalpesh Krishna,Nelson Liu,Roma Patel,and Nicholas Tomlin 关于申请 NLP 博士课程的学生观点

Machine Learning PhD Applications — Everything You Need to Know by Tim Dettmers

机器学习博士应用——你需要知道的一切作者: Tim Dettmers

Demystifying ML PhD Admissions to US Universities by Hima Lakkaraju

美国大学博士招生揭秘作者: Hima Lakkaraju

A long, rambling, mostly personal corpus of advice on applying to Computer Science grad school (for UWCSE students) by Justine Sherry

一个冗长的,杂乱的,主要是个人的建议语料库,关于申请计算机科学研究生院(UWCSE 的学生)由贾斯汀雪莉

Ph.D. Applications: FAQ by Noah Smith

博士应用: 常见问题解答作者: Noah Smith

Quora answer on the admission committee process by Scott Fahlman

关于录取委员会程序的 Quora 答案

Reflecting on CS Graduate Admissions by David Anderson

大卫 · 安德森对计算机科学研究生招生工作的思考

A PhD is Not Enough: A Guide to Survival in Science by Peter Feibelman

仅有博士学位是不够的: 科学生存指南作者: 彼得 · 菲贝尔曼

The PhD in CS: Getting There and Being Successful by Michael Hilton, Janet Davis, and Ian Ludden

计算机科学博士: 成功与实现迈克尔 · 希尔顿,珍妮特 · 戴维斯和伊恩 · 拉登

Statement of purpose目标声明

Database of Example PhD SOPs by the CS-SOP initiative

CS-SOP 项目的博士生标准操作规程范例数据库

Some Suggestions on writing your statement of purpose by Jennifer Mankoff

关于撰写你的目标陈述的一些建议作者: Jennifer Mankoff

Graduate School Personal Statements by Christopher Fletcher

克里斯托弗 · 弗莱彻研究生院个人陈述

Inside PhD admissions: What readers look for in a Statement of Purpose by Nathan Schneider

内部博士招生: 读者在内森 · 施耐德的目标陈述中寻找什么

How to Write a Bad Statement by Andy Pavlo


Tips and Tricks, How-To Guide for Grad School SoPs by Erica Weng

提示和技巧,如何指导研究生学校的 SOP 作者: Erica Weng

Graduate School Statement of Purpose by MIT EECS


How to write personal statement for graduate school application by Stanley Chan


Writing a Google AI Residency Cover Letter by Katherine Lee and Ben Eysenbach

作者: Katherine Lee 和 Ben Eysenbach

Public examples: [Cody Coleman], [Sai Rallabandi], [Jeremy Lacomis], [Sean Kross], [Zahid Hossain], [Jean Yang]

公开的例子: [科迪 · 科尔曼] ,[塞拉班迪] ,[杰里米 · 拉科米斯] ,[肖恩 · 克罗斯] ,[扎希德 · 侯赛因] ,[简 · 杨]

Visit days, choosing advisor and school访问日,选择导师和学校

Questions to Ask a Prospective Ph.D. Advisor on Visit Day, With Thorough and Forthright Explanations by Andrew Kuznetsov

在访问日向未来的博士生导师提问的问题,作者: Andrew Kuznetsov

How to Choose Your Grad School by Tim Dettmers

如何选择你的研究生院作者: Tim Dettmers

How to Pick a Graduate Advisor by Ben Barres


The Definitive ‘what do I ask/look for’ in a PhD Advisor Guide by Columbia CS


Advice for current students给在校学生的建议

PhD survival guides博士生生存指南

So long, and thanks for the PhD by Ronald T. Azuma

再见,感谢 Ronald T. Azuma 的博士学位

Graduate School: Keys To Success by Remzi Arpaci-Dusseau

研究生院: 成功的关键作者: Remzi Arpaci-Dusseau

The illustrated guide to a PhD by Matt Might


How to Be a Successful PhD Student by Mark Dredze, Hanna Wallach


Time Management by Randy Pausch


Advice to a Beginning Graduate Student by Manuel Blum


Finances for CS PhD students by David Anderson


A Survival Guide to a PhD by Andrej Karpathy

安德烈 · 卡帕西的博士生生存指南

15 pieces of advice I wish my PhD advisor had given me by Jim Kurose

我希望我的博士导师吉姆 · 黑泽给我的15条建议

The Tao of PhD: Thriving in the Allen School’s Graduate Program by University of Washington

博士之道: 在华盛顿大学艾伦学院的研究生项目中茁壮成长

10 tips for PhD students by Daniela Witten

给博士生的10条建议作者: Daniela Witten

Expectation Setting by Eugene Vinitsky



How to Do Great Research by Nick Feamster and Alex Gray


How to Have a Bad Career How to Have a Bad Career in Research/Academia by David Patterson

作者: David Patterson

Useful Thoughts about Research by H.T. Kung


You and Your Research by Richard Hamming


Advice on Research and Writing by Mark Leone

马克 · 利昂的研究与写作建议


How to Read a Paper by Srinivasan Keshav

如何阅读斯里尼瓦桑 · 凯沙夫的论文

How to Read a Technical Paper by Jason Eisner

如何阅读 Jason Eisner 的技术论文


How to write a good CVPR submission by Bill Freeman

如何写一个好的 CVPR 提交比尔弗里曼

Ten Simple Rules for Mathematical Writing by Dimitri Bertsekas

Dimitri Bertsekas 数学写作的十个简单规则

Notes on writing by Fredo Durand

弗雷多 · 杜兰德写作笔记

How to write a (hopefully good) paper by Martin Vetterli

如何写一篇马丁 · 维特里(Martin Vetterli)的论文(希望是好的)


PhDLife Blog - A collection of blog posts from Warwick University

PhDLife 博客-华威大学博客文章的集合


Reviewer Tutorial by CVPR 2022

2022年 CVPR 评审指南

How to write a good review by CVPR 2020

如何在 CVPR 2020上写一篇好的评论

How to write a reviewer report by Stanley Chan



Giving an Academic Talk by Jonathan Shewchuk

作者: Jonathan Shewchuk

How to give a technical presentation by Michael Ernst

如何做 Michael Ernst 的技术报告

Advising students辅导学生

(coming soon, send PR!)



How to Be a Teaching Assistant by Jason Eisner

作者: Jason Eisner

Fellowship applications申请奖学金

Tips for the NSF GRFP Application by Danielle Perry

美国国家科学基金会 GRFP 应用技巧作者: Danielle Perry

NSF GRFP Advice by Christine Liu

作者: Christine Liu

NSF Fellowship by Alex Lang

NSF 奖学金作者: Alex Lang

Tips by Tara Safavi

作者: Tara Safavi

Public examples: [Extensive NSF collection by Alex Lang], [Victoria Dean (NSF personal)], [Victoria Dean (NSF research)], [Tara Safavi (NSF)], [Paul Liang (Facebook)], [Devendra Chaplot (Facebook)], [Sai Rallabandi (Facebook)]

公开的例子: [亚历克斯 · 朗的大量 NSF 收藏] ,[维多利亚 · 迪安(NSF 个人)] ,[维多利亚 · 迪安(NSF 研究)] ,[塔拉 · 萨法维(NSF)] ,[保罗 · 梁(Facebook)] ,[德文德拉 · 查普拉特(Facebook)] ,[赛 · 拉尔班迪(Facebook)]


Networking on the Network: A Guide to Professional Skills for PhD Students by Phil Agre

网络上的网络: 博士生专业技能指南作者: Phil Agre

Organizing workshops and tutorials组织研讨会和教程

Hitchhiker’s guide to organizing an academic workshop by Ben Eysenbach and Surya Bhupatiraju

本 · 艾森巴赫和苏雅 · 布帕蒂拉朱编写的《搭便车者指南》

Attending academic conferences参加学术会议

Nine things I wish I had known the first time I came to NeurIPS by Jennifer Vaughan

我希望我第一次来 NeurIPS 的时候就知道的九件事

NeurIPS 2018 through the eyes of first-timers by Fangyu Cai

2018年的 NeurIPS 通过眼睛的第一次作者: 蔡

How To Make A Plan To Attend International Academic Conferences


Job search找工作

Tips for Computer Science Faculty Applications


How to Ask for a Letter of Recommendation


Interview Questions for Computer Science Faculty Jobs


The Ph.D. Job Hunt - Helping Students Find the Right Positions by Ed Lazowska

帮助学生找到合适的工作作者: Ed Lazowska

The N Things I wish I Knew Before the Job Search, by Maria Ebling, Guerney Hunt, Lily Mummert, Bill Tetzlaff, and John Davis

我希望在找工作之前知道的 N 件事,作者: Maria Ebling,Guerney Hunt,Lily Mummert,Bill Tetzlaff,and John Davis

The academic job search for computer scientists in 10 questions by Nicolas Papernot and Elissa Redmiles

尼古拉斯 · 帕帕诺特和伊丽莎 · 雷德迈尔斯提出的10个问题: 计算机科学家的学术求职

Checklist for faculty job-hunting in Stat/ML by Aaditya Ramdas

阿迪蒂亚 · 拉姆达斯(Aaditya Ramdas)的 Stat/ML 教师求职清单

Tips on the interview process by Jeannette Wing


Getting an academic job by Michael Ernst

迈克尔 · 恩斯特找到了一份学术工作

Computer science graduate job and interview guide by Wes Weimer, Claire Le Goues, Zak Fry, Kevin Leach, Yu Huang, and Kevin Angstadt

计算机科学专业毕业生的工作和面试指导,由 Wes Weimer,Claire Le Goues,Zak Fry,Kevin Leach,Yu Huang 和 Kevin Angstadt 撰写

Academic job search advice by Matt Might



I loved graduate school by Peter Bailis

我喜欢 Peter Bailis 的研究生课程

What my PhD was like by Jean Yang


How to get a Ph.D. in computer science if you're me by Chris Martens


The N=1 guide to grad school by Adam Marcus

亚当 · 马库斯的研究生入学指南

CMU博士收集: Advice for prospective and current PhD students



CMU博士收集: Advice for prospective and current PhD students




CMU博士收集: Advice for prospective and current PhD students



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