
- 我要做什么?
- 谁做过类似的研究?
- 他/她发现了什么?
- 我将如何进行这项研究?
- 为什么这项研究如此独特?
- 必须参考精心挑选的解决相同问题的学术论文。
Problem statement formation
Construction of objectives and scope of the research
Construction of research methodology (theories, qualitative, quantitative) and method (instruments)used in the investigation.
Results and findings without adding any comments of your own
Conclusion and a concise outline of its significance
- Tell the reader about your problem. 陈述要研究的问题。
- Tell the reader who is suffering from that problem. 谁正在遭受这个问题的困扰?
- How are you going to solve that problem? 将如何解决这个问题?
- Tell the reader that you are qualified and equipped with the right methods of solving that problem. 打算使用什么可行方法来解决问题。
- Tell the reader the benefits you offer by solving that problem? 通过解决这个问题提供了什么好处?
- Tell the reader what results you anticipate. 期待的结果是什么。
- Make sure to tell them what is the most important to them. No more, no less and stand for your claim. 告诉他们什么对他们来说最重要。不多也不少,支持您的主张。
- What is the problem? 问题是什么
- Where is the problem? Where? 问题出自哪里
- How to solve the problem? 如何解决问题
- Why do you want to solve the problem? 为什么想解决这个问题
- Is the problem current? 问题是最新的吗
- Will the problem continue in the future if it is not solved? 如果不解决,问题将来还会继续吗?
7. Who is suffering from that problem?
8. Will this problem prove or disprove the existing knowledge?
Your research question must be brief, relevant, focused, and arguable.
- Choose a topic that interests you and your readers. 选择一个你和导师都感兴趣的主题。
- Make an investigation on your topic by going through scholarly journals and seeing what questions are raised by your peers. Take note of what questions are not raised so that you elevate them. 通过学术期刊对要研究的主题进行调查,看看其他研究者们提出了哪些问题。思考还存在哪些问题,以便提升优化它。
- Your research questions should not be answered by simple facts; they must require critical analysis and field-tested research. It must be provoking and requires significant examination. 研究问题不应该用简单的事实就能回答,必须需要批判性的分析和实地测试的研究。需要有一定的挑战,需要大量检验。
- Your research questions should be neither very broad nor very narrow. If too narrow, you will have difficulty finding relevant information. 研究问题既不应该很宽泛,也不应该是很窄。如果太窄,将难以找到相关信息。
- Do not forget to show your research questions to your supervisors before going into details of it. 在详细介绍之前,不要忘记向导师展示要研究的问题。
- Does the literature review discuss the authenticity of the problem statement? 是否讨论问题陈述的真实性?
- Does the literature review significantly support the severity of his problem statement? 是否显著支持了问题陈述的严重性?
- Does the researcher agree or disagree with existing knowledge, and why? 研究人员是否同意或不同意现有知识,并说明原因。
- Is his/her final judgment or conclusion sound, logical and persuasive? 最终判断或结论是否合理、合乎逻辑和有说服力?
- Does the researcher find literatures that prove or disprove his problem statement? 研究人员是否找到证明或反驳其问题陈述的文献?
- Choose your methodology based on the type of research you are conducting. 根据研究的类型选择合适的methodology
- Institute a clear and concise affiliation between your study and your methodology. 在研究和方法论之间建立清晰简洁的联系。
- Ask yourself whether this methodology answers your research questions. 这种methodology是否回答了我们的研究问题?
- Provide a meaningful reason for choosing your methodology such as a literature review. 提供相关理由,例如相关文献综述,说明为啥选择这种methodology
- Divide your method into research design, population, sample, instrument, validity, reliability, results, and implementation phases. 将方法分为研究设计、特定人群、样品、仪器、有效性、可靠性、结果和实施阶段。
- Most importantly, are you comfortable with it? 你对自己选择的研究方法论和研究方法满意吗?
"we found that ... this research has investigated….., this study has found that…",另外,我们不需要在这个章节发表我们对实验结果的评论,因为,在Discussion和Conclusion章节,我们会表述自己的观点和评论。
- Make an introduction (Few lines) at the beginning and a summary (Few lines) at the end of your result chapter. It is nice to inform your readers that what you are about to do and what you have done so far. Make a habit of doing the same to all of your chapters. 在结果章节的开头做一个几行的介绍,在结果章节的末尾做一个几行的总结。通知我们方读者我们将要做什么,以及到目前为止已经做了什么。所有章节都可以这样做。
- Analyze your qualitative data (interviews, survey responses, emails, your own notes, observations, feedback, and questionnaires)and quantitative data (statistics, percentages, and numbers). 分析我们的定性数据(访谈、调查回复、电子邮件、笔记、观察、反馈和问卷)和定量数据(统计数据、百分比和数字等)。必要时,使用数据分析工具。
- Use deductive (from general to specific) and inductive (from specific to general) to organize collected data. Organize your data based on your research questions and hypothesis. 使用演绎(从一般到具体)和归纳(从具体到一般)来组织收集的数据。根据我们的研究问题和假设去组织数据,分析数据的不同方面。
- Display your data based on relationships among the collected data and look for supporting evidence. 根据收集的数据之间的关系做可视化,并寻找支持证据。
- Cross-check your data a few times for reliability and validity. 交叉检查几次数据,确保可靠性和有效性。
- What did you find from your experimentation? Report without adding any comments of your own. 从实验中发现了什么?这里无需添加任何自己的评论。
- What were the differences? If you are making a comparison. Use T-Test to compare. 有什么区别?可以使用 T 检验进行比较。
- Analyze your findings to see if it answers your research questions and finds a solution to your problem statement. 分析我们的发现,看看它是否回答了研究问题并找到问题陈述的解决方案。
在引言中我们提出问题,在结论中我们就要回答这些问题。但结论不是对引言的总结,而是对实验结果进行解释,分析是否填补了Research Gaps。
- Explain in plain English what we understand now that we did not understand before. 简单地阐述我们现在理解的和我们以前不理解的内容。
- Interpret your problem statement and show with evidence from your literature review section that you have indeed bridged a major gap in knowledge. 解释一下问题陈述,并用文献综述部分的证据表明我们确实弥合了知识上的主要gap。
- Interpret your hypothesis and problem statement with evidence from your literature review section and give logical reasoning that what you have claimed is in fact true (Don’t worry; if it is negative or positive still significant). 用文献综述部分的证据解释我们的假设和问题陈述,并给出逻辑推理,证明我们的声明的实际上是正确的(不管结果是消极的或积极的都很重要)。
- Discuss and reason about the significant contribution of your experimental research and argue that you have solved a major problem if not it would have continued in the future. 讨论和推理我们的实验研究的重大贡献,并阐明我们已经解决了一个主要问题,如果不是的话,在未来将会继续。
- Make sure that you reconnect your claims with lots of documented evidence from your literature review to interpret your findings. Lastly do not forget to be concise and to the point, no more no less. 确保将我们的主张与文献综述中的大量书面证据重新联系起来,来解释我们的发现。要言简意赅、简明扼要。

How to Write Your PhD Proposal: A Step-By-Step Guide: https://www.dr-qais.com/Qais%20Journal/PhD%20Proposal.pdf
